Welcome to my blog

Hey everyone, hope all of you are doing good. I am back to my blogging days once again after a brief  hiatus. I am going to write about virtually everything ranging from Fitness  to Technology and from Philosophy to  Business. The main question that now arises is why am I back to writing?
The answer is simple. My love for expressing myself freely brought me here. I have always enjoyed writing and I  feel that people should journal their thoughts, emotions, opinions and even experiences. It helps to understand each of them in a more profound manner. 
I would be rejoiced to hear from you guys and your responses would inspire me to write more. Feel free to spot any factual error or to give valuable suggestions.

I hope that this journey of mine would help me learn a lot and grow as a person and as a professional. 
Till then, take care of your health in these testing times of Covid-19. 


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